Performance Agreement

Performance Agreement

Purchaser desires to book performances for Artists and Artists are ready to provide performances at such bookings made by Purchaser on the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:
3. Date(s) and Time( s) of Performance :
4. Agreement to Perform: Artist agrees to provide the Performance in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and any attached addenda or riders.
5. Price of Performance: Purchaser shall pay Artist
(Date deposit payment to be paid) .
6. Artist's Right to Terminate. If the deposit has not been paid within the time specified, Artist will have the right to terminate this Agreement without any further obligation.
7. Cancellation. If Purchaser cancels the performance, deposit will not be refunded
If Purchaser cancels the performance same day of the performance, Purchaser will pay Artist 1 00% of the guaranteed fee for the performance. The parties agree that such payments are reasonable in light of anticipated or actual harm caused by the cancellation and the difficulties of proving the actual damages to Artist.
SICKNESS AND ACCIDENTS. Artist's agreement to perform is subject to proven detention by sickness or accident. In the event of such non-performance, the deposit payment (if any) advanced to the Artist shall be returned promptly.
FORCE MAJEURE. Neither Artist nor Purchaser shall be liable for failure to appear or perform its obligations under this agreement in the event that such failure is caused by or due to the acts or regulations of public authorities, labor difficulties, civil tumult, inclement weather, strike, epidemic, interruption or delay of transportation service, or any other legitimate cause beyond the control of Artist and Purchaser.
Winston Nava
708 66 3 .9 712
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